Saturday, November 22, 2014

Hunger in Kalibo

Boracay Graduation Trip
Day 1: Mabuhay Boracay!
Day 2: Crystal Cove

It's been raining since last night. We took our breakfast and at 9 AM we checked out from the hostel. It's gonna be a long journey though. And it rained outside, so the hostel provided us a van to the jetty. We waited for our boat express to come from the mainland. While we waited for the boat, Syam and Keon bought the mango shake at the jetty. The price was 70 Peso. Cheaper than mine. I tasted it, and concluded that the mango shake I bought a night before was more delish than this one. 

Amek gambar sepam before balek.
(Photo by Azham)

The journey going back home;
Van-Boat-Bus-Plane ride. 

Goodbye Boracay!
We arrived at Kalibo Airport at 12:30 PM and to our disappointment, our flight was delayed for an hour. So, we stuck at the airport. We went to the airport lounge and see if there's anything to eat. Alas, they served non Halal food there. 

Kalau tak fikir panjang, mungkin dah order je apa-apa makanan time tuh.

Thus, we did something to kill the time.
Some of us went for a massage, some did a food-hunting (sebab luggage makanan dah masok dalam kargo. Nothing much we can do.).
While, I used all the resource (read: WiFi) there to inform everyone about the delayed flight via Facebook.

Semua tengah kebulur. Semua tengah terkial-kial nak connect dengan WiFi.

"Cepat laa naik flight. Dah lapar gila dah ni. Tak sabarnya nak makan Nasi Lemak Pak Nasir dalam flight tu...."

Our flight was at 4:35 PM. 4 hours has passed by. We boarded the flight and too my disappointment...

"Miss, do you want anything to eat?"
*Stop baca journal, tutup iPad*
"Yes please. Do you have Nasi Lemak?"
"Sorry miss. We only have snacks."
"Oh. K. Can you give me Maggi, chicken. Thank you"

Sedih OK! Lapar gila dah time tu.
Lesson learnt. Just add-on the friggin foods if you flew more than 3 hours flight.

Bye Kalibo. See you again!

Z : 17-19 October 2014. My trip to Boracay. I need to wait 10 months for my next trip. :)

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